Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Understanding the Reasons of Global Economic Pain Through the 'Age of Empires'

Prologue: I have been meaning to write this since a long time. What with all the news-flow about the global economies being in tatters often mentioning heavy-sounding phrases such as 'quantitative easing', I really wanted to get a perspective of what's the real problem. I mean, I work in finance - can't not know about all the big deal in the financial world right? So, I began reading. And after enough reading, this is the parallel I drew. Its not a boring theory seriously - read on! 

Ever played that brilliant game of strategy called the 'Age of Empires' or AoE? It used to be very famous back in IITD, where my fellow hostelers spent countless hours playing the game over the LAN. I did not play it that much I confess. But whenever I did, I personally found it to be amazing.

There were various 'modes' or ways in which this game could be played. Among them, the most detested mode among the pro-gamers was the 'cheat mode'. This is because, in a game with 'cheat mode', one could obtain infinite money (gold) and resources (wood, stone, food) by just typing in some words. This obviously means that none of the players need to worry about anything - everything is possible and the one who builds everything the fastest and amasses the biggest and most advanced army the quickest, stands to win. Utopia, ain't it?

Now what's this got to do with the Global Economic situation today?

Here goes. I ask you, Dear Reader, what cannot be created out of thin air in the real world? Its a simple answer really. Resources - the same as in AoE. You can't create food (agricultural commodities), stone and wood (basic materials needed for building - such as - metals and such commodities). What else can't be created out of thin air? Oil - or any depleting energy source for that matter. What else? Gold and Silver, the precious metals. There are loads of other things but for now, this will suffice.

On the other hand, what can be created out of thin air (or without much effort) in real world. Think think. Very easy. The answer is Bank-notes like the US Dollar or the European Euro. All the governments need to do is - press a button, and print more! This, Dear Reader, is called 'Quantitative Easing'.

What this essentially means is - Bank-notes which are common perception of wealth (please note that I have refrained from saying real wealth***) can be obtained in abundance. This, is the cheat code in the real world. It would have been fine had it been a complete cheat code. Everyone would have been happy and this world would have been a Utopia. But, it isn't a complete cheat code - for you can print bank-notes and thus, create a perception of more wealth where in effect, you haven't created any real resource. Resources are what constitute real wealth - Gold, Oil, Metals, Food. Not Bank-notes! This is where one of the two key problems lies.

The second key problem is of course very ably put into words by one of the famous Indian poets. What he said roughly translates to - 'one should stretch legs only to the extent of the length of the bed-sheet'. This is what consumers across the developed nations haven't done. They have borrowed and spent and borrowed more. Eventually, the wealth has to evaporate right? But what to do then? Can't change lifestyles so simply print more bank-notes, return your debtors these new bank-notes and whoosh - all the debt is gone! Or is it? This, Dear Reader, is the biggest issue the global economies are dealing with. How to cut the debt REALLY? The way ahead is what the fancy word means - 'austerity'. Easier said than done.

Time will tell what will really happen. So lets wait.. and watch.

*** To understand what I mean, just pull out a INR note from your wallet and read what's written on it. You'd notice that a INR100 note reads - 'I promise to pay the bearer the sum of one hundred rupees'. This makes the bank-note some sort of a deed or promise - not the real hundred rupees. But the question is, what are really those hundred rupees if not the bank-note?

Disclaimer: The above are my views and mine only. Acknowledgement due to the author while quoting the above will be appreciated.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Open Complaint to The Writer(s) of Open Letter(s)

Prologue: I have been reading so many open letters and open replies what not. The key reason I felt compelled to write this is the fact that I missed out by a hairline on the last open letter that caught the eye of everyone. Also, I figured, pointless free publicity must be fun! So well - why not?

Dear Writer(s) of Open Letter(s),

Hope you are doing well and find yourself in the pink of health. Consider this to be my first and final complaint to you. Open, that too, just the way you like it! 

So, here goes my list of grudges against you Open-Letter-types (stereotype intended): 
a) Limiting your stereotypes which led to my exclusion from all of them,
b) Hurting the sentiments of my brethren, Punjabi Delhi boys who drive SUVs,
c) Generating so much pointless interest in my fellow Indian boys and girls alike that it led to intense spamming, and
d) Making me waste my time.

Now, we'll deal with these complaints one by one. 

The most important one first. YOU LIMITED YOUR STEREOTYPE! Do you know how much pain it caused me and the likes of me? How hurt we felt that you ignored our contributions to your annoyance totally? Why would you do such a lowly thing, I ask. Am I not a Punjabi boy? Just because I am quasi-Delhi boy (actually I am Dehradun boy and now a quasi-Mumbai boy too) and do not have a SUV, I am not worthy of an open letter? Or an open reply? Or an open anything for that matter?! The likes of me feel extremely sad, I tell you, and demand an 'Open Apology to Those I Left Out' from you. 

Now, the complaints from my brethren who you stereotyped in your letter. Poor people, what's their fault if their folks are rich eh? I bet there was only one (or perhaps a single digit number) fellow who wronged you. But you went ahead and took out your ire on the complete set! Not even spared their 'mum-dad'. That's equivalent of giving mum-sister abuses in coarse hindi by the way. Pathetic! Ask yourself - would you like to be the cause of some poor fella getting teased and humiliated by your letter and all the people who side along with you in jeering at him? What if he hangs himself from his ceiling fan? (I know it is questionable whether a SUV-owner will ACTUALLY have a ceiling fan at his place anyway. Even so, play along shall we?) Imagine. You'll become a criminal overnight. So, please take back some (or all) of your words.

Next, the publicity and the resulting spamming it caused. Be honest. Please do tell if you intended it. For even if you didn't, you know what happened? My dear mailbox got so many 'have you read this open letter dude?
 messages. Sheer waste of Google's space I tell ya! And to add insult to the abovementioned injuries - my even dearer Facebook homepage got filled up with comments about your letter. The last time it had happened, the case was Mr. Anna Hazare - who I strongly support (Great man I say. Aroused the public in such a peaceful manner. Really appreciable. A hundred MPs like him and India is set to regain its historic glory. Look forward to it.). And all of this for what? Because a guy wronged you :| I will tell you what you should have done. You should have just walked up to him and kicked him hard, abused him, etc etc. Would have been easier - and my facebook and gmail would have been spared.

Last but not the least. You know its often said, time equals money (even more so in finance, my profession). I, unfortunately, got drawn to read thy pointless letter. This, in turn, consumed time. I am sure a lot many would also have done the same. Cumulate all this time - that, equals money. Hence, money wasted. And on what? Not a movie show, not a beer, not a tech gizmo, not even a date! But on pointless babble. 

Given the above, I believe my complaint is justified and I would request for a remedial follow-up.

Cheers and wish you a great future ahead,

Epilogue: With this, my wish of writing an open letter - a complaint in this case - has come true. Take matters in thy own hands (no pun intended), O Reader, and write one for yourself if it pleases you. In a world where life is becoming increasingly chaotic, I hope O Reader that this becomes the cause of some smiles and light moments.

The fine print (a.k.a The Disclaimer): I solemnly swear that all the babble above conveys my views and mine alone. In case I hurt someone's feelings, it really was unintended. Copyrights not protected but acknowledgement will be appreciated.